HSBC develop future leaders

Published on 16 Mar. 2014

The requirements and objectives

The Group Graduate Development Programme is about developing future leaders who embody the HSBC’s core values, and have the breadth of experience, skills and capabilities to deliver business growth, which is central to HSBC’s business strategy.

Who was the event for and why?

Delegates on the Group Graduate Development Programme who are on a 4 week residential Leadership Development Programme. Participants of this high profile and intensive programme have the opportunity to develop a network of contacts across HSBC’s customer groups and geographies early in their managerial career.

The Big Picture links well into the Banks Level 1 Group Capabilities for:-

  • Leading performance
  • Working with others
  • Drive, commitment and personal development

How did the event run?

Excellent, it met all our needs and was rated highly by the delegates. This was a very smooth operation with a tried and tested formula.

Did it achieve its objectives?

All of the objectives were met, and as it was held on the last day of the program, it enabled the graduates to undertake an event that would put all their learnings of the previous 4 weeks to good use.

It also wrapped up the programme and the graduates left on a high.

Outcomes & Return on investment

  • Provided the delegate with a clear understanding of their strengths / areas for development
  • Increased their effectiveness in building positive relationships with team/peers/superiors.
  • Increased their personal effectiveness in leading team performance.

The Big Picture event is a highly interactive and entertaining team building activity that gave the Graduates the opportunity to review their main strengths and areas for development, which had been identified, and to consider how to take these forward when back in the business.

"We thoroughly enjoy working with Catalyst and are very much looking forward to our next event."
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